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Thoughts on Canvas: Assignments and Submissions

Charlotte Elliott

For many classes, Canvas serves as the primary tool for submitting and reviewing assignments. In relevant courses, you will find an 'Assignments' tab on the course's individual page. This page defaults to displaying a list of assignments in the order of their due dates, with upcoming assignments appearing at the top and past ones below. You also have the option to view the list 'by type,' although I can't fathom why anyone would choose to do so.

When you click on an assignment, there's a 50/50 chance that your professor has included a description of the requirements. In some cases, these descriptions are exceptionally detailed, making it easy to understand how to achieve that perfect 100%. In other instances, you're fortunate to receive a mere sentence outlining the task. Some professors use Canvas solely for submission purposes and provide the entire assignment details in the syllabus or distribute them in person. Personally, I prefer professors who provide as much detail as possible in Canvas; it's easy to forget where to find the task otherwise!

Submitting an assignment is relatively straightforward, assuming your professor has informed you about the preferred format. Some prefer Google Docs for its easy editing, while others opt for Word documents or PDFs. You typically upload your saved document by clicking the 'Choose File' option, which opens your file tab. If you're submitting a Google Doc, you can switch to the 'Google Drive' tab instead of the default 'File Upload.' Before submitting, you can also choose to add a comment. I usually use this to plead for forgiveness for being ten minutes late or to express remorse for any formatting issues with my citations. But I'm sure you won't find yourself in a similar situation, right?

Once you've submitted the assignment, you can finally release the breath you've been holding for the past five minutes and look forward to that well-deserved nap. (Or is it just me?) There's no need to do anything further with the assignment until your professor has released grades and feedback.

To access comments and annotations that have been added to your assignment, simply click on the submitted assignment, which will appear on the right side of the page. Some professors add comments directly to the document, which you can view by clicking on the submitted document. Others may add comments within Canvas, which will be visible beneath the document you submitted. If your professor has granted you access, you may also be able to respond to these comments if you have questions about their feedback.

Best of luck with your assignments, my friends. I sincerely hope you're not reading this at 11:55 pm! :)

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